Maebashi's Citizen's Charter
city tree
city flower
The City Insignia
The City Insignia
"Wanuki",the commander''s standard of Matsudaira, the feudal lord of Maebashi(1909)
Citizen's Mission Statement
We are the community of Maebashi,the city of water,greenery and poetry.As we direct our attensions towards a daily life filled with happiness and the prosperity of our home town, it is our desire to:
- maintain gentle hearts
- create strong bodies
- enjoy our work
- protect nature
- treasure our culture
(enacted on July 1, 1983)
City's Declaration
"A City of Peace"
We, the citizens of Maebashi,hereby declare our love for our city, our intent to protect our natural blessings and our desire to make Maebashi a city eternal peace.
We feel that it is our duty to fully support the rapid disposal of all atomic weapons for the sake of mankind.
We offer our prayers for eternal peace and declare Maebashi "a City of Peace."
March 27,1989 Municipal Assembly
"A Healty City of Water , Greenery"
The clear waters of the Tone and Hirose Rivers have blessed Maebashi with an abundance of natural resources and a deep poetic tradition.
We are proud of Maebashi''s having developed as a healthy, comfortable and wonderful hometown, and we want to do our best to keep it this way for future generations.
Therefore, we hereby declare Maebashi to be "A Healthy City of Water and Greenery."
March 27,1989 Municipal Assembly
Environmental City Declaration
We, the citizens of Maebashi, have been blessed by the magnificent Akagi mountain range, the waters of the Tone and Hirose rivers and an abundance of greenery. As we accept our responsibility to maintain this natural environment for future generations, we hereby declare to develop our city with a deep concern for the environment, to protect the flora and fauna that thrives in this natural environment, to protect our greenery and keep our rivers clean and attractive, to initiate our conservation efforts in the home and our local neighborhoods, and to participate actively in these and other conservation activities.
July 29, 2004.
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〒371-8601 群馬県前橋市大手町二丁目12番1号