Winter of Maebashi
The Changing seasons are beautiful in Maebashi
Mid - January - March
Ice Fishing for Wakasagi on Lake Onuma
Telephone: +81-27-287-8511 (Akagi Onuma Fishing Cooperative Association / Aoki Ryokan) Japanese Dialogue only
From September, It’s possible to fish for Wakasagi by boat, but from Mid-January to March, the lake freezes over, and people enjoy fishing through holes cut in the ice.

(Frozen Lake Onuma)

January - March
Snowshoeing Around Lake Onuma, Konuma, Kakumanbuch Marsh, Mt. Choshichirou, Mt. Jizoudake etc.

(Snowshoeing at Lake Konuma)
Telephone: +81-27-287-8227 (Mt. Akagi Sightseeing Alliance / Akagi Youth Nature Center) Japanese Dialogue only
Snowshoe on frozen Lake Onuma or across the snowy fields of Kakumanbuchi Marsh. It’s fun to look for the tracks of wild birds and animals. There are also guided tours.

(Snowshoeing at Lake Onuma)

(View from the summit of Mt. Choshichirou)

January - March
Snow Park at Mt. Akagi No.1 Ski Slope
Telepfone: +81-27-287-8311 (Onuma Sanso Villa) Japanese Dialogue only
The Mt. Akagi No.1 Ski Slope is Japan’s best small ski park. There is a snow escalator (moving Beltway - sunkid ), only 60 meter, so kids can enjoy skiing & playing on a sled.

文化スポーツ観光部 観光政策課
電話:027-257-0674 ファクス:027-212-7071
〒371-8601 群馬県前橋市大手町二丁目12番1号